
You can help

Please call the Road District to report the following:

Damaged or Missing Street Signs

Potholes     Call (708) 301-0246


To Prevent Flooding

There are many ways to dispose of your yard waste, do not put grass clippings, tree branches or any type of debris into creeks, streams, or the roadside ditch. Please make sure the ditch in front of your property is clear of leaves, grass clippings, brush, and branches which will impede water flow. When culverts become blocked by collected debris, water backs up and flooding may occur.


Ordinance 8.8 Vision Clearance (Residents of Homer Glen)

At the intersection of all streets and points of ingress or egress onto any street, no obstructions exceeding three (3) feet in height shall be permitted within the triangular area formed by the intersection of any two (2) street rights-of-way lines and/or the intersection of any street right-of-way line with any edge of any service or other access drive determined by a line drawn connecting two (2) points located twenty-five (25) feet equidistant along said right-of-way lines or service or access drive edges from the point of intersection thereof. This pertains to the Residents of the Village of Homer Glen and NOT the Township.


When it Snows Which Streets are Plowed First?

Because it is impossible to clear all the streets at the same time, there is a priority schedule. Major roads and intersections are cleared first, second are school bus routes, then primary collector streets to allow 2-way traffic to pass safely are cleared next and finally feeder streets, cul-de-sacs & dead ends are then cleared.

The following streets are NOT plowed by the Homer Township Road District:

State Roads - 159th Street and IL Route 171
County Roads - Bell Road, 143rd Street, Cedar Road (South of 159th), Hadley Road (East of Parker to Line), Parker Road (South of Bruce) and any new subdivision NOT accepted by the Township.

On your garbage pick-up day, before the waste hauler and snowplow have come, please be sure your garbage containers are placed well back from the curb.


Leaf Burning

The burning of leaves on the streets burns oils and base materials out of the road. The burning of leaves on our street damages public property. Burning of leaves on public streets is prohibited.



Residential branch piles from trimming or landscaping on private property in Homer Township should be disposed of through your waste collection provider.  Residents in unincorporated areas should call their garbage collection company for information on branch pick up services provided.